Montebello Police
Officers' Association

The Montebello POA Serves The City of Montebello And Its Members With Honor and Pride
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Welcome to the Montebello POA Website! We hope you'll find our site enjoyable and informative. Here you will find links to other sites which may be of interest, and find out what we do for our community. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.
Police officers in front of police cars

Our Mission Statement

The Montebello Police Officers Association was organized for the purpose of serving the community of Montebello, its residents, and perpetuating the memory and spirit of police officers who have given their lives in the line of duty.
Our mission is to partner with the community and provide quality police services through community interaction that emphasize cooperation, professionalism and ethical behavior.
Business are encouraged to help support our Mission by sponsoring a “DonorAd” on our website and directly connecting with our membership and community partners. Please fill out the business supporter contact form for more information.

Charities We Support

Every year the Montebello Police Officers' Association donates money and time to benefit numerous charities, groups and organizations in the Montebello area.
To help us better serve you and our community we share, please feel free to join our mission by participating in any of our events or donating toward our cause.
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Business Supporters

Eco Bear
Help A Hero Ad
9-99 Foundation Ad
If you are interested in becoming a business supporter
Please inquire here